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10 Companies Offering Remote Jobs With a 4-Day Workweek

In a Qualtrics survey in January, 92% of respondents support the 4-day workweek and say that it would improve their mental health and productivity. Although only about 15% of U.S. employers offer a four-day work schedule. 4-Day Workweek Policies Although there is no country with a four-day workweek policy yet, Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA41) introduced the H.R. 4728 bill, which

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10 Must-Know Things About Finding A Remote Job: Tips and Hacks

Reportedly, approximately 5.6 million workers worked from home in the UK according to a survey back in 2020, which was a figure strongly influenced by the Coronavirus epidemic. However, remote work was already rising rapidly in its popularity before this major catalyst for change. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, the ILO estimated that 7.9% of the world’s workforce (260 million workers)

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