Many businesses are considering a new hybrid work model that combines virtual and in-house employees in their employment structure. It’s been a popular employment model nowadays, beloved by from fortune 100 businesses to small-medium sized companies all around the world.
The new model simply goes by splitting your workforce into 2 different types of work environments for the sake of efficiency – keeping a part of your team working on-premises and having another part working remotely.
This remote & on-premises hybrid employment structure offers quite multiple benefits for your team such as:
- Better work productivity gained by the best positioning of workspace accordingly
- Flexible & reduced employment costs
- Easier access to the talent without the hassle of location
After a strong hit of the virus on almost all industries, the world witnessed a drastic impact on the working models of every organization, where adapting to the “new normal” became the norm. While this holds significant advantages, it is almost obvious that combining remote and on-site working is tougher than it appears, in spite of its newfound popularity.
Evolution Of Work From Home
The organizational structure has employed “the new norms” which means a drastic change from the traditional form of employment, paving the way for a totally new form that dominates nearly all the elements – its work culture, rules of behavior and interaction, social cohesiveness, and shared trust.
The new changes to this time-tested structure have brought them a lot of new challenges. Some of them may affect the backbone of any business, such as the risk of losing trust, harmony, and shared culture. And although remote work brings with it new benefits, they are short-lived if the associated risks do not get worked upon.
It also risks disunity between the 2 conflict corporate cultures – the in-house team and remote team – in various forms that may possibly affect the one-team spirit as a whole: such as a feeling of alienation, a lack of sense of belonging, motivation, or insufficient emotional support from the surroundings, etc.
While it seems running a remote hybrid team smooth is fairly challenging, there are still ways that help you manage it more efficiently, improving the productivity and work performance best possible.
How to improve productivity for your remote team

1. Create detailed directions for working from home
Make sure you have clear procedures in place before enabling your team to work from home.
Your team members must work efficiently outside the workplace and it’s essential to specify daily work hours, task submission methods, how personnel should report their task progress, hold meetings, and so on. Plus, all the details should be included in the rule book.
Your employees will be motivated to work hard even if they’re not in the office if you have a complete work-from-home policy in place. It will also help you rest assured because employees’ work may be adequately monitored.
2. Make use of an ERP system hosted in the cloud
When working remotely, a cloud-based ERP system will be extremely beneficial for you and everyone else in your team. This system may help many of your company’s operations and divisions, including finance, purchasing, marketing, customer services, inventory, and HR.
ERP solution allows you to communicate real-time information with everyone having access. Leaders from each section can delegate work to their teammates, and team members who get assignments can offer reports on every milestone reached. It makes daily operations more manageable and you can keep track of everything from anywhere.
3. Use employee productivity monitoring software for performance tracking
Use an appropriate tracking tool to make it easy to keep track of your employees’ work. There are a variety of free and paid tracking tools available online. Free tracking applications have fewer features and allow a smaller number of users, whereas paid monitoring apps have more capabilities and allow more users.
4. Find out which communication tool is the most effective
Better communication bears better productivity.
One thing that you must make sure of is to find out the best communication tool used for communicating with your team members.
While we all know in general, the popular messenger apps, such as Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp etc, there are, nowadays lots of powerful co-working tools around on the internet. They are widely used and beloved, especially during the pandemic when the remote work culture started thriving.
5. Make sure your employees submit daily reports
Have your employees compile regular reports or reviews on what they’ve done at work to ensure that they’re on the right track. The information can be a great resource to determine who is doing well and who doesn’t and for you to be able to check how beneficial the remote model for your team is to your organization.
These days, there is quite a handful of AI-generated employee monitoring tools that have been around on the internet. The use of data-driven management for your remote team will surely benefit your business to evolve further.
6. Create an effective team through proper mentoring
When you work remotely, some things become more difficult. Acculturating newcomers, learning through hands-on mentoring and apprenticeship, pursuing ambiguous, complicated, and collaborative breakthroughs, and enabling creative encounters through which innovative concepts can arise are just a few of them. Taking care of these issues comes down to leadership and managerial styles and how those styles and techniques assist small groups. Managers and team leaders have a considerable impact on their teams’ experiences. Therefore, rich team experience is essential in hybrid virtual culture.
You don’t have to make it all perfect upfront and in advance, especially if you are at the beginning trying out your remote team management.
It’s wise to first experiment and wait. Sooner than you think, you will see how it goes, finding out the areas where it works and your highest productivity arises, but also where it needs to refine. And keep refining every setting of your management model gradually until you find a perfect fit.
When this is used correctly, this new hybrid version of work would help your team maximize its work productivity wherever it improves while reducing employment expenses, strengthening your organization’s performance-based culture, and enjoying all the upsides that you can gain in your WFT hybrid employment model.

SWH Editorial Team
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