(Remote Work) Freelance Writers – HubPages

Job Expired


Company Website: http://hubpages.com/
Remote Locations: Worldwide
Job Type: Freelance

Job Overview:

Long-term passive income opportunity on a trusted platform. Must be able to write good quality articles in English. You can write about almost anything that interests you. Keep reading for more details…

HubPages is a network of sites where people write about their passions!

Since HubPages launched in 2006, we have developed a time-tested way to help writers make money from their hobbies. We want to help you turn the thing you love to do (writing and sharing your knowledge) into something that can earn you a little money on the side while having fun and making friends along the way.

Job Responsibilities:

How it Works

  • You publish articles offer useful or interesting information to readers on subjects you care about
  • You sign up with our monetization partners
  • People read your articles and occasionally click on ads
  • You earn a percentage of the revenue generated by those ads (and HubPages earns some to keep the site running)
  • Your earnings accrue until you reach HubPages’ and our affiliate programs’ payout thresholds
  • You receive your earnings via PayPal
Job Requirements:

You join ad programs of your choice, such as Google AdSense, theHubPages Ad Program, and the HubPages Amazon Program. Joining these programs is what allows you to generate earnings.

Writing lots of articles is the key to making money on HubPages. Remember, the most successful pieces are well written, informative, and useful to readers.

How To Apply:

Click “apply” below to process your Job application!

More Information

  • This job has expired!