(Remote Work) JavaScript Developer – Swarm Foundation

Job Overview

  • Job Title JavaScript Developer
  • Hiring Organization Swarm Foundation
  • Company Website https://www.ethswarm.org/
  • Remote Locations Worldwide
  • Job Type   Remote, Full-Time

Please note, this is a pipeline builder announcement, preparing for the upcoming demand. Feel free to submit your application so we can get back to you as soon as the role is open.

Swarm is a system of peer-to-peer networked nodes for a decentralised storage and communication service.

Swarm could shape the future towards a self-sovereign global society and permissionless open markets. On Swarm, applications run autonomously yet securely in a planetary-scale deployment and execution environment.

The storage layer of FairOS, the Decentralised File System(dfs) uses Swarm as the base storage thereby inheriting all the benefits of Swarm. On top of that, it builds other storage business logic, to expose things needed for an application to run. Think of Swarm as the device driver of the hard disk inside your laptop and FairOs-dfs as the Ext4 file system and other databases that run on top of it, except that FairOS-dfs does this for a group of computers instead of one.

The Decentralised File System (dfs) is a stateless layer over Swarm. It uses the building blocks provided by Swarm and exposes high level storage functions like:

  • Creation of Users
  • Logical Drives / Pods
  • File system
  • Key Value Database (like levelDB)
  • Document Database (like mongoDB)
  • Permission Management
  • Payments and Charging

Job Responsibilities

  • FairOS-dfs data structure and logic implementation in JS (in tandem with a golang developer maintaining FairOS golang)
  • Porting FairOS-dfs features to Javascript
  • Porting FairOS-dfs/Bee integration features to Javascript
  • Contributing to Fairdrive protocol proposal writing
  • Registry library implementation
  • CLI tools implementation
  • FD-pre-processor library implementation
  • Auth library (Authentication + Authorisation) implementation
  • Web3 Backend framework implementation
  • High-level data structures implementation

Job Requirements

  • Proficiency in Javascript
  • Deep understanding of web3 architecture
  • Experience in writing technical documentation
  • Ideally has knowledge of data structures, formal computer science background

Employee Benefits

  • An open, flat and transparent work environment
  • 100% remote friendly
  • Flexible working hours
  • We care about our swarm: Incentives through BZZ, Swarm’s token

How To Apply

Should you be interested in the position, please send your CV to talent@ethswarm.org.

More Information